瑪洛謀殺俱樂部 第二季 (The Marlow Murder Club Season 2)

【編劇】Robert Thorogood / Lucia Haynes / Julia Gilbert
【主演】薩曼莎·邦德 / 喬·瑪蒂娜 / 卡拉·霍根 / 娜塔麗·朱 / Steve Chusak
【類型】美劇 / 劇情 / 懸疑 / 犯罪
瑪洛謀殺俱樂部 第二季(The Marlow Murder Club Season 2)《瑪洛謀殺俱樂部 第二季》:又名The Marlow Murder Club Season 2。Robert Thorogood adapts his own novels alongside Lucia Haynes (「Vera」) and Julia Gilbert (「Midsomer Murders」), each of whom will write a two-episode murder mystery. Thorogood’s episodes will be an adaptation of his second novel, 「Death Comes to Marlow」 while Haynes and Gilbert are set to pen brand new stories.